Перевод: со всех языков на все языки

со всех языков на все языки

concept element

  • 1 concept element

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > concept element

  • 2 concept element

    English-Russian military dictionary > concept element

  • 3 element

    часть, подразделение; части и подразделения ( соединения) ; отделение, секция; группа; эшелон; элемент; компонент; фактор; ав. пара, звено; см. тж. component, unit

    US element, Allied Forces Central Europe — группа ВС США в составе ОВС НАТО на Центрально-Европейском ТВД

    — leading element
    — maneuvering element
    — Marine ground elements
    — supporting element
    — trailing element

    English-Russian military dictionary > element

  • 4 concept maintenance

    1. техническое обслуживание
    2. обслуживание техническое


    техническое обслуживание
    Совокупность действий, выполняемых для сохранения или восстановления состояния изделия, в котором оно способно отвечать требованиям соответствующих технических условий и выполнять необходимые функции.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-426-2006]

    техническое обслуживание
    Текущие действия, выполняемые для сохранения в полной мере работоспособного состояния установленного электрооборудования.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-426-2006]

    техническое обслуживание
    Комплекс операций и/или организационных действий, направленных на поддержание объекта в состоянии или возвращение объекта в состояние, в котором он способен выполнять требуемую функцию.
    [ОСТ 45.152-99 ]

    обслуживание техническое

    Комплекс работ для поддержания исправности или работоспособности машин и оборудования при их эксплуатации, хранении и транспортировании
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]


    1. All action taken to retain materiel in or to restore it to a specified condition. It includes: inspection, testing, servicing, classification as to serviceability, repair, rebuilding, and reclamation.
    2. All supply and repair action taken to keep a force in condition to carry out its mission.
    3. The routine recurring work required to keep a facility (plant, building, structure, ground facility, utility system, or other real property) in such condition that it may be continuously utilized, at its original or designed capacity and efficiency, for its intended purpose.

    [Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005]


    • тех. обсл. и ремонт средств электросвязи


    • ТО





    техническое обслуживание
    Ндп. профилактическое обслуживание
    технический уход
    техническое содержание

    По ГОСТ 18322-78
    [ ГОСТ 20375-83]

    техническое обслуживание
    Ндп. профилактическое обслуживание
    технический уход

    Комплекс операций или операция по поддержанию работоспособности или исправности изделия при использовании по назначению, ожидании, хранении и транспортировании

    Техническое обслуживание содержит регламентированные в конструкторской документации операции для поддержания работоспособности или исправности изделия в течение его срока службы.
    Под операцией технического обслуживания в соответствии с ГОСТ 3.1109-82 понимают законченную часть технического обслуживания составной части изделия, выполняемую на одном рабочем месте исполнителем определенной специальности.
    Под транспортированием понимают операцию перемещения груза по определенному маршруту от места погрузки до места разгрузки или перегрузки. В транспортирование самоходных изделий не включается их перемещение своим ходом.
    Под ожиданием понимают нахождение изделия в состоянии готовности к использованию по назначению.
    В техническое обслуживание могут входить мойка изделия, контроль его технического состояния, очистка, смазывание, крепление болтовых соединений, замена некоторых составных частей изделия (например, фильтрующих элементов), регулировка и т. д.
    [ ГОСТ 18322-78]
    [ПОТ Р М-016-2001]
    [РД 153-34.0-03.150-00]

    техническое обслуживание
    Комплекс операций или операция по поддержанию работоспособности или исправности изделия (технического устройства) при использовании по назначению, ожидании, хранении и транспортировании
    [ПБ 12-529-03 Правила безопасности систем газораспределения и газопотребления, утверждены постановлением Госгортехнадзора России от 18. 03. 2003 №9]
    [СТО Газпром РД 2.5-141-2005]

    Недопустимые, нерекомендуемые




    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > concept maintenance

  • 5 maintenance element

    1. техническое обслуживание (как элемент производства)
    2. техническое обслуживание


    техническое обслуживание
    Ндп. профилактическое обслуживание
    технический уход
    техническое содержание

    По ГОСТ 18322-78
    [ ГОСТ 20375-83]

    техническое обслуживание
    Ндп. профилактическое обслуживание
    технический уход

    Комплекс операций или операция по поддержанию работоспособности или исправности изделия при использовании по назначению, ожидании, хранении и транспортировании

    Техническое обслуживание содержит регламентированные в конструкторской документации операции для поддержания работоспособности или исправности изделия в течение его срока службы.
    Под операцией технического обслуживания в соответствии с ГОСТ 3.1109-82 понимают законченную часть технического обслуживания составной части изделия, выполняемую на одном рабочем месте исполнителем определенной специальности.
    Под транспортированием понимают операцию перемещения груза по определенному маршруту от места погрузки до места разгрузки или перегрузки. В транспортирование самоходных изделий не включается их перемещение своим ходом.
    Под ожиданием понимают нахождение изделия в состоянии готовности к использованию по назначению.
    В техническое обслуживание могут входить мойка изделия, контроль его технического состояния, очистка, смазывание, крепление болтовых соединений, замена некоторых составных частей изделия (например, фильтрующих элементов), регулировка и т. д.
    [ ГОСТ 18322-78]
    [ПОТ Р М-016-2001]
    [РД 153-34.0-03.150-00]

    техническое обслуживание
    Комплекс операций или операция по поддержанию работоспособности или исправности изделия (технического устройства) при использовании по назначению, ожидании, хранении и транспортировании
    [ПБ 12-529-03 Правила безопасности систем газораспределения и газопотребления, утверждены постановлением Госгортехнадзора России от 18. 03. 2003 №9]
    [СТО Газпром РД 2.5-141-2005]

    Недопустимые, нерекомендуемые




    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > maintenance element

  • 6 элемент замысла

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > элемент замысла

  • 7 contact

    1. контактный элемент
    2. контакт


    контакт (1)
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    контакт (контактного коммутационного аппарата)
    Токопроводящие части, предназначенные для установления непрерывности цепи при их соприкосновении и в результате их движения относительно друг друга в процессе оперирования размыкающие или замыкающие цепь либо, если это шарнирные или скользящие контакты, поддерживающие непрерывность цепи.
    МЭК 60050(441-15-05).
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]

    Токоведущая часть аппарата, которая во время операции размыкает и замыкает цепь, или в случае скользящих или шарнирных контактов сохраняет непрерывность цепи
    [РД 34.45-51.300-97]


    contact (1)
    set of conductive elements for establishing electric circuit continuity when they touch each other and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close an electric circuit or, in the case of some hinged or sliding elements, maintain circuit continuity
    NOTE – See also the concept "electric contact" in 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (of a mechanical switching device)
    conductive parts designed to establish circuit continuity when they touch and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close a circuit or, in the case of hinged or sliding contacts, maintain circuit continuity
    [IEV number 441-15-05]


    contact (1), m
    ensemble d'éléments conducteurs destinés à établir la continuité d'un circuit électrique lorsqu'ils se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manœuvre, ouvrent ou ferment un circuit électrique ou, dans le cas de certains éléments pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    NOTE – Voir aussi le concept "contact électrique" en 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (d'un appareil de connexion)
    pièces conductrices destinées à établir la continuité d'un circuit lorsqu'elles se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manoeuvre, ouvrent et ferment un circuit ou, dans le cas de contacts pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    [IEV number 441-15-05]



    контакт (2)
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2)
    conductive element intended to make an electric contact
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2), m
    élément conducteur destiné à établir un contact électrique
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    • контакт
    • электротехника, основные понятия






    контактный элемент
    Деталь аппарата для цепей управления (неподвижная или подвижная, проводящая или изолированная) для замыкания или размыкания единственного пути прохождения тока в цепи.
    1. Контактный элемент и механизм передачи усилия могут быть объединены в единый узел, но чаще один или несколько элементов могут быть скомбинированы с одним или несколькими механизмами передачи усилия, и их конструкция может быть разной.
    2. В состав контактных элементов не входят катушки и магниты управления.
    [ ГОСТ 50030.5.1-2005]

    контактный элемент
    контакт (2)
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact member
    contact (2)
    conductive element intended to make an electric contact
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    élément de contact, m
    contact (2), m
    élément conducteur destiné à établir un contact électrique
    [IEV number 151-12-16]

    [IEV number 444-04-06]


    1. Contact set - контактная группа
    2. Ouput circuit - выходная цепь
      contact circuit - цепь контакта
      contact - контакт
    3. Contact member - контактный элемент
    4. Contact point - рабочая поверхность контакт-детали, контакт-деталь


    1. Jeu de contacts - контактная группа
    2. Circuit de sortie - выходная цепь
      circuit de contact - цепь контакта
      contact - контакт
    3. Element de contact - контактный элемент
    4. Piece de contact - рабочая поверхность контакт-детали, контакт-деталь

    [Перевод Интент]

    1 - Контактный элемент такой конструкции как на рисунке слева называют также конактная пружина.
    2 - По существу, контактный элемент, это одна из частей контакта,
    т. е. в замыкающем, размыкающем и переключающем контактах любой подвижный и неподвижный контакт является контактным элементом.











    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > contact

  • 8 contact

    1. устанавливать контакт
    2. силовой прием
    3. приводить в контакт
    4. контактный элемент
    5. контактный (вторичный) случай
    6. контактный
    7. контакт


    контакт (1)
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    контакт (контактного коммутационного аппарата)
    Токопроводящие части, предназначенные для установления непрерывности цепи при их соприкосновении и в результате их движения относительно друг друга в процессе оперирования размыкающие или замыкающие цепь либо, если это шарнирные или скользящие контакты, поддерживающие непрерывность цепи.
    МЭК 60050(441-15-05).
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]

    Токоведущая часть аппарата, которая во время операции размыкает и замыкает цепь, или в случае скользящих или шарнирных контактов сохраняет непрерывность цепи
    [РД 34.45-51.300-97]


    contact (1)
    set of conductive elements for establishing electric circuit continuity when they touch each other and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close an electric circuit or, in the case of some hinged or sliding elements, maintain circuit continuity
    NOTE – See also the concept "electric contact" in 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (of a mechanical switching device)
    conductive parts designed to establish circuit continuity when they touch and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close a circuit or, in the case of hinged or sliding contacts, maintain circuit continuity
    [IEV number 441-15-05]


    contact (1), m
    ensemble d'éléments conducteurs destinés à établir la continuité d'un circuit électrique lorsqu'ils se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manœuvre, ouvrent ou ferment un circuit électrique ou, dans le cas de certains éléments pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    NOTE – Voir aussi le concept "contact électrique" en 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (d'un appareil de connexion)
    pièces conductrices destinées à établir la continuité d'un circuit lorsqu'elles se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manoeuvre, ouvrent et ferment un circuit ou, dans le cas de contacts pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    [IEV number 441-15-05]



    контакт (2)
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2)
    conductive element intended to make an electric contact
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2), m
    élément conducteur destiné à établir un contact électrique
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    • контакт
    • электротехника, основные понятия






    контактный (вторичный) случай
    контактное лицо
    контакт инфекционного заболевания

    Лицо, контактировавшее с источником инфекции. См. также Acquaintance network (группа лиц, контактировавших с источником возбудителя инфекции).
    [Англо-русский глоссарий основных терминов по вакцинологии и иммунизации. Всемирная организация здравоохранения, 2009 г.]


    • вакцинология, иммунизация




    контактный элемент
    Деталь аппарата для цепей управления (неподвижная или подвижная, проводящая или изолированная) для замыкания или размыкания единственного пути прохождения тока в цепи.
    1. Контактный элемент и механизм передачи усилия могут быть объединены в единый узел, но чаще один или несколько элементов могут быть скомбинированы с одним или несколькими механизмами передачи усилия, и их конструкция может быть разной.
    2. В состав контактных элементов не входят катушки и магниты управления.
    [ ГОСТ 50030.5.1-2005]

    контактный элемент
    контакт (2)
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact member
    contact (2)
    conductive element intended to make an electric contact
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    élément de contact, m
    contact (2), m
    élément conducteur destiné à établir un contact électrique
    [IEV number 151-12-16]

    [IEV number 444-04-06]


    1. Contact set - контактная группа
    2. Ouput circuit - выходная цепь
      contact circuit - цепь контакта
      contact - контакт
    3. Contact member - контактный элемент
    4. Contact point - рабочая поверхность контакт-детали, контакт-деталь


    1. Jeu de contacts - контактная группа
    2. Circuit de sortie - выходная цепь
      circuit de contact - цепь контакта
      contact - контакт
    3. Element de contact - контактный элемент
    4. Piece de contact - рабочая поверхность контакт-детали, контакт-деталь

    [Перевод Интент]

    1 - Контактный элемент такой конструкции как на рисунке слева называют также конактная пружина.
    2 - По существу, контактный элемент, это одна из частей контакта,
    т. е. в замыкающем, размыкающем и переключающем контактах любой подвижный и неподвижный контакт является контактным элементом.












    приводить в контакт

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]




    силовой прием
    Тактика, которую используют хоккеисты для того, чтобы вывести противника из игры или отобрать у него шайбу. Использование силового приема разрешается только, если противник, к которому этот прием применяется, владеет шайбой или был последним, кто ее касался. Хоккеист, применяющий силовой прием, может использовать только бедра или плечи, и может совершать удар только в область выше колена и ниже шеи противника. В женском хоккее с шайбой силовой прием считается нарушением, и, как правило, не допускается в любительских и детских лигах.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    Tactic used by a hockey player to physically remove an opponent from the puck or the play. A bodycheck is legal only if the player being checked has the puck or was the last person to touch it. The bodychecker may only use the hips or shoulder, and must make the hit above the opponent's knees and below the neck. In women's ice hockey, any body checking is a penalty and is also usually not allowed in amateur leagues and leagues with young children.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]




    устанавливать контакт

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]


    Штыри калибра должны быть изготовлены из проводящего материала.
    Соответствующий калибр должен вставляться во входное отверстие каждого гнезда приборной розетки соединителя с усилием, не превышающим 5 Н.
    Когда этот калибр полностью вставлен, самая длинная вилка («калибр - контакт») должна устанавливать контакт, а самая короткая вилка («калибр - неконтакт») не должна устанавливать контакт.

    [ ГОСТ Р 51325. 1-99 ( МЭК 60320-1-94)]

    ... которые в нормальных условиях не контактируют с электролитом
    [ ГОСТ 15596-82]

    необходимо учитывать повышенную температуру воздуха внутри электрической машины или аппарата, повышенную температуру оболочки, с которой контактирует изоляция провода.
    [ ГОСТ 15963-79]


    • электротехника, основные понятия



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > contact

  • 9 principio

    1 beginning, start (comienzo).
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end
    del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin from beginning to end, from start to finish
    a principios de at the beginning of
    al principio at first, in the beginning
    en principio quedamos en hacer una reunión el jueves provisionally o unless you hear otherwise, we've arranged to meet on Thursday
    en un principio at first
    2 principle (fundamento, ley).
    en principio in principle
    por principio on principle
    3 origin, source (origen).
    4 element (elemento).
    principio activo active ingredient
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: principiar.
    * * *
    1 (inicio) beginning, start
    2 (base) principle
    3 (moral) principle
    1 rudiments
    al principio at first, at the beginning
    en principio in principle
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) beginning, outset
    * * *
    1) (=comienzo) beginning

    al principio — at first, in the beginning

    a principios del verano — at the beginning of the summer, early in the summer

    desde el principio — from the first, from the outset

    desde el principio hasta el fin — from start to finish, from beginning to end

    en un principio — at first, to start with

    tener principio en algo — to start from sth, be based on sth

    2) pl principios (=nociones) rudiments, first notions

    "Principios de física" — "Introduction to Physics", "Outline of Physics"

    3) (=norma) principle

    el principio de la legalidad — the force of law, the rule of law

    4) (Fil) principle
    5) (Quím) element, constituent
    6) (Culin) entrée
    * * *
    1) ( comienzo) beginning

    el principio del verano — early summer, the beginning of summer

    en un or al principio — at first, in the beginning

    a) (concepto, postulado) principle
    b) ( norma moral) principle
    * * *
    1) ( comienzo) beginning

    el principio del verano — early summer, the beginning of summer

    en un or al principio — at first, in the beginning

    a) (concepto, postulado) principle
    b) ( norma moral) principle
    * * *
    el principio
    = early days, the

    Ex: The new chemical was expensive, and in the early days it was often mishandled; much of the foxing of early nineteenth-century paper was due to inefficient bleaching.

    1 = principle, proposition, tenet, canon, touchstone.

    Ex: Objective 2 results in what could be described as a collocative catalogue, because a catalogue based on this principle collocates the writings of a particular author.

    Ex: They are a core, a set of basic propositions, onto which are grafted a rich variety of other possibilities.
    Ex: This attack summarises her main tenets.
    Ex: The archetypal canon is of course that of the books of the Bible, which are gathered together in a fixed and unchanging order.
    Ex: The touchstone for professional practice are the professional codes of ethics that govern medicine in face-to-face relationships with patients.
    * actuar de acuerdo con los principios de Uno = act on + Posesivo + principles.
    * adherirse a principios = espouse + principles.
    * basado en principios = principled.
    * basarse en un principio = base on + principle.
    * con principios = principled.
    * cumplir con un principio = comport with + principle.
    * declaración de principios = statement of principles, value statement, Bill of Rights, declaration of principles, statement of principles.
    * defender los principios de Uno = stand up for + Posesivo + principles.
    * de principios = principled.
    * de principios muy elevados = high-minded.
    * en principio = in principle, on principle.
    * establecer un principio = establish + principle, set forth + cause.
    * formular un principio = formulate + principle.
    * infringir un principio = violate + principle.
    * ir en contra de todos + Posesivo + principios = violate + principle.
    * Los Principios de París = Paris Principles.
    * mantenerse fiel a los principios de Uno = stick to + Posesivo + principles.
    * poner en duda unos principios = shake + foundations.
    * por principio = on principle.
    * por principios = as a matter of principle.
    * principio constitutivo = constitutive principle.
    * principio de actuación = governing principle.
    * principio de archívese según aparece = file-as-is principle.
    * principio de cualificación profesional adecuada para el trabajo en cuestión = principle of rate for the job.
    * principio de gratuidad, el = gratis principle, the.
    * principio de igualdad, el = egalitarian principle, the.
    * principio de la alfabetización literal = file-as-is principle, file-as-is principle.
    * principio del escalonamiento = scalar principle.
    * principio ético = moral principle.
    * principio fundamental = fundamental, principium [principia, -pl.].
    * principio moral = moral principle.
    * principio orientador = guiding principle.
    * principios = philosophy, ethos, morals.
    * principios elevados = high-mindedness.
    * Principios para la Intercalación Bibliográfica = ISO7154.
    * proponer como principio = posit.
    * respetar los principios = observe + principles.
    * seguir un principio = adopt + convention.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * suscribir un principio = subscribe to + principle.
    * traicionar los principios de uno mismo = betray + Posesivo + own principles.
    * una cuestión de principios = a matter of principle.
    * violar un principio = violate + principle.

    2 = start, eruption, kick-off, startup [start-up], beginning.

    Ex: Olle is right, however, in implying that after a slow start interest in, and writing about, official publishing in Britain has increased dramatically in recent years.

    Ex: Information on the news items relevant to 'mad cow disease' was collected for a period of 100 days starting very close to the eruption of the crisis.
    Ex: The cooperative venture 'StoryLines America' joins libraries and public radio in smash kick-off.
    Ex: This article presents some practical tips to help users of DIALOG's DIALOGLINK including buffer size, screen speed-up, startup short cuts, type-ahead buffer and use of DIALOGLING with other services.
    Ex: In addition, synthesis often requires the use of a facet indicator, which marks the beginning of a new facet for example.
    * abocado al fracaso desde el principio = doomed from + the start, doomed from + the outset, doomed to + failure, doomed to + failure from its inception, doomed from + the beginning.
    * al principio = at first, at the outset, early [earlier -comp., earliest -sup.], in the early years, originally, to start with, early on, at startup.
    * al principio de = at the beginning (of), at the dawn of, at the onset of, early in.
    * al principio de la imprenta = early printing.
    * al principio y al final = both ends.
    * al principio y al final de = at each end of.
    * a principios de = in the early + Fecha.
    * a principios de + Expresión Temporal = early + Expresión Temporal, the.
    * a principios de los + Década = early + Década, the.
    * comenzar por el principio = start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * comenzar por el principio, empezar desde cero, comen = start from + scratch.
    * condenado al fracaso desde el principio = doomed from + the start, doomed from + the outset, doomed from + the beginning.
    * de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX = turn-of-the-century.
    * de principio a fin = from start to finish, gavel to gavel, from beginning to end.
    * de principio a fin (documento) = cover to cover.
    * desde el principio = from the start, all along, ab initio, from the outset, from the beginning, from the word go, from the word get-go.
    * desde el principio de los tiempos = since the beginning of time, from the beginning of time, since time began.
    * desde principio a fin = throughout.
    * desde principios de siglo = since the turn of the century, from the turn of the century.
    * el principio de = the dawn of.
    * el principio del fin = the beginning of the end.
    * el principio de + Mes/Estación = early + Mes/Estación.
    * empezar por el principio = start from + scratch, start at + ground zero.
    * en principio = at first, conceivably, first of all, prima facie.
    * en un principio = at an earlier stage, initially, originally, at one time, to begin with.
    * fracaso desde el principio = doomed failure.
    * hay que empezar por el principio = first things must come first.
    * leer de principio a fin = read + from cover to cover.
    * muy al principio = in very early days, at the very outset.
    * para principios de siglo = by the turn of the century.
    * principio, el = early days, the.
    * regresar al principio = go back to + square one, be back to square one.
    * volvemos siempre al principio = things swing full circle.
    * volver al principio = come + full circle, bring + Pronombre + full-circle.

    * * *
    A (comienzo) beginning
    el principio del verano early summer, the beginning of summer
    empieza por el principio start at the beginning
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end
    el éxito logrado con su primer libro es un buen principio the success she's had with her first book is a good start, the success of her first book has got her off to a good start
    se llegó a un principio de acuerdo en las negociaciones they reached the beginnings of an agreement in the negotiations
    congeniamos desde el principio we got along well from the start
    leyó el libro desde el principio hasta el final sin parar he read the book from cover to cover o from beginning to end o from start to finish without putting it down
    a principios de temporada at the beginning of the season
    a principios de siglo at the turn of the century
    al principio at first
    en un principio se creyó que la Tierra era plana at first o in the beginning people believed the Earth was flat
    1 (concepto, postulado) principle
    es un principio universalmente aceptado it's a universally accepted concept
    la teoría parte de un principio erróneo the theory is based on a false premise
    en principio la reunión es el jueves the meeting's on Thursday unless you hear otherwise o provisionally, the meeting is set for Thursday
    en principio estoy de acuerdo, pero no depende sólo de mí I agree in principle, but it isn't only up to me
    2 (norma moral) principle
    es una cuestión de principios it's a question of principle(s)
    es una persona de principios she's a person of principle o a principled person
    por principio on principle
    uncertainty principle
    uncertainty principle
    principio de placer/realidad
    pleasure/reality principle
    * * *


    Del verbo principiar: ( conjugate principiar)

    principio es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    principió es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    principio sustantivo masculino
    1 ( comienzo) beginning;

    empieza por el principio start at the beginning;
    eso es un buen principio that's a good start;
    en un or al principio at first, in the beginning
    2 (postulado, norma moral) principle;

    por principio on principle
    principio sustantivo masculino
    1 (comienzo) beginning, start: nos hemos perdido el principio de la película, we've missed the beginning of the film
    2 (causa, origen) premise, origin
    3 (idea fundamental, norma) principle 4 principios, (nociones) rudiments, basics: posee algunos principios de mecánica, she has some rudiments of mechanics
    ♦ Locuciones: al principio, at first
    en principio, in principle
    por principio, on principle
    ' principio' also found in these entries:
    - cien
    - empezar
    - extrema
    - extremo
    - frustrarse
    - germen
    - horterada
    - indirecta
    - vista
    - criterio
    - elemental
    - por
    - basically
    - begin
    - beginning
    - cornerstone
    - early
    - farce
    - first
    - front
    - further
    - go
    - hear of
    - initially
    - initiation
    - listen
    - maybe
    - originally
    - outset
    - policy
    - principle
    - see
    - soon
    - start
    - stick to
    - tenet
    - wind back
    - from
    - out
    - right
    - throughout
    - turn
    * * *
    1. [comienzo] beginning, start;
    empieza por el principio start at the beginning;
    al principio at first, in the beginning;
    desde el principio from the beginning;
    se ha llegado a un principio de acuerdo a preliminary agreement has been reached;
    a principios de at the beginning of;
    en un principio at first;
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end;
    del principio al fin, desde el principio hasta el fin from beginning to end, from start to finish
    2. [fundamento, ley] principle
    principio de Arquímedes Archimedes' principle; Filosofía principio de causalidad causality principle;
    principio de incertidumbre uncertainty principle;
    principio de indeterminación uncertainty principle;
    principio del todo o nada all-or-nothing policy
    3. [origen] origin, source
    4. [elemento] element
    principio activo active ingredient
    principios [reglas de conducta] principles;
    un hombre de principios a man of principles;
    sin principios unprincipled, unscrupulous;
    por principio on principle;
    se negó a hacerlo por principios she refused to do it on principle
    principios [nociones] rudiments, first principles;
    tiene algunos principios de informática she knows a bit about computing
    7. [primera consideración]
    en principio: en principio, me parece buena la idea in principle, the idea seems good;
    en principio quedamos en hacer una reunión el jueves provisionally o unless you hear otherwise, we've arranged to meet on Thursday
    * * *
    1 ley, moral principle;
    en principio in principle;
    por principio on principle
    2 en tiempo beginning;
    a principios de abril at the beginning of April;
    al principio, en un principio at first;
    el principio del fin the beginning of the end
    * * *
    1) comienzo: beginning
    2) : principle
    al principio : at first
    a principios de : at the beginning of
    a principios de agosto: at the beginning of August
    en principio : in principle
    * * *
    1. (comienzo) beginning
    2. (concepto) principle
    a principios de... at the beginning of...

    Spanish-English dictionary > principio


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
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    890. Winnicott, D. W. (1971) Playing and Reality. New York: Basic Books.
    891. Winnicott, D. W. (1971) Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books.
    892. Winnicott, D. W. (1977) The Piggle. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    893. Winson, J. (1985) Brain and Psyche. New York: Anchor Press.
    894. Wolf, E. S. (1976) Ambience and abstinence. Annu. Psycho-anal., 4.
    895. Wolf, E. S. (1980) On the developmental line of self-object relations. In: Advances in Self Psychology, ed. A. Goldberg. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    896. Wolf, E. S. (1983) Empathy and countertransference. In: The Future of Psychoanalysis, ed. A. Coldberg. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    897. Wolf, E. S. (1984) Disruptions in the psychoanalytic treatment of disorders of the self. In: Kohut's Legacy, ed. P. Stepansky & A. Coldberg, Hillsdale, H. J.: Analytic Press, 1984.
    898. Wolf, E. S. (1984) Selfobject relations disorders. In: Character Pathology, ed. M. Zales. New York: Bruner/Mazel.
    899. Wolf, E. S. & Trosman, H. (1974) Freud and Popper-Lynkeus. JAPA, 22.
    900. Wolfenstein, M. (1966) How is mourning possible? PSOC, 21.
    901. Wolman, B. B. ed. (1977) The International Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Neurology. New York: Aesculapius.
    902. Wolpert, E. A. (1980) Major affective disorders. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, ed. H. I. Kaplan, A. M. Freedman & B. J. Saddock. Boston: Williams & Wilkins, vol. 2.
    903. Wurmser, L. (1977) A defense of the use of metaphor in analytic theory formation. PQ, 46.
    904. Wurmser, L. (1981) The Mask of Shame. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.
    905. Zetzel, E. R. (1956) Current concepts of transference. TJP, 37.

    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 11 encabezamiento

    1 heading.
    2 headline, caption, title, heading.
    * * *
    1 (gen) heading
    2 (fórmula) form of address
    3 (preámbulo) preamble
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=en periódico) headline, caption; (=de carta) heading; (=preámbulo) foreword, preface; (Com) bill head, letterhead
    2) (=registro) roll, register
    * * *
    a) ( en carta - saludo) opening; (- dirección, fecha) heading
    b) (en ficha, documento) heading
    * * *
    = heading, index entry, index heading, index term, subject statement, entry heading, rubric, category heading.
    Ex. A heading is the initial element of an entry, used as the principal filing element when the entry is arranged in an alphabetical listing.
    Ex. All index entries and references in a PRECIS index are derived from an indexing string.
    Ex. If one word is used out of context as an index heading, plainly it will be difficult to establish the interpretation to be placed on the homograph.
    Ex. This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
    Ex. Next, the computer generates a series of entries with a complete subject statement at every entry point.
    Ex. By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.
    Ex. And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex. In one library, the director objected to the category heading 'Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender' = En una biblioteca, el director se opuso a que se utilizase la categoría "Gay, Lesbiana, Bisexual y Transexual".
    * área de encabezamiento = header area.
    * asignar un encabezamiento = assign + heading, establish + heading, label with + a heading.
    * colocar como primer elemento de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead.
    * construir un encabezamiento = construct + heading.
    * encabezamiento aceptado = uniform heading.
    * encabezamiento adjetival = adjectival heading, adjectival phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento admitido = approved heading, preferred heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético = alphabetical index heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materia = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento autorizado = established heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto = composite heading, compound heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * encabezamiento conceptual = concept heading.
    * encabezamiento de autor = author heading.
    * encabezamiento de autoridad = authority heading.
    * encabezamiento de forma = form heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase conjuntiva = conjunctive phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase preposicional = prepositional phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento demasiado general = much-too-broad heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia controlado = controlled subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de microficha = microfiche header.
    * encabezamiento de nombre = name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre corporativo = corporate name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre personal = personal name heading.
    * encabezamiento de referencia = reference heading.
    * encabezamiento general = class entry.
    * encabezamiento informativo = explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento informativo general = general explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento invertido = inverted heading.
    * encabezamiento no aceptado = unestablished heading.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * encabezamiento obsoleto = dead heading.
    * encabezamiento paralelo = parallel heading.
    * encabezamiento personal uniforme = uniform personal heading.
    * encabezamiento por título = title entry.
    * encabezamiento preciso = coextensive heading.
    * encabezamiento principal = lead term, main entry heading.
    * encabezamiento relacionado = related heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * encabezamientos de nombre y título = name-title headings.
    * encabezamiento secundario = added entry heading.
    * encabezamiento subdividido o con subdivisiones = subdivided heading.
    * encabezamiento temático = topical heading.
    * encabezamiento uniforme = uniform heading.
    * frase como encabezamiento = phrase heading.
    * incluir como registro de encabezamiento secundario = trace.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de mat = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * normalización de un encabezamiento = establishment of + a uniform heading.
    * orden de combinación de encabezamientos = citation order.
    * primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * registro de encabezamientos secundarios = tracing.
    * termino inicial de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead term, main heading.
    * traducción de encabezamientos a través de notaciones bibliográficas = information switching.
    * variante de un encabezamiento = variant heading.
    * * *
    a) ( en carta - saludo) opening; (- dirección, fecha) heading
    b) (en ficha, documento) heading
    * * *
    = heading, index entry, index heading, index term, subject statement, entry heading, rubric, category heading.

    Ex: A heading is the initial element of an entry, used as the principal filing element when the entry is arranged in an alphabetical listing.

    Ex: All index entries and references in a PRECIS index are derived from an indexing string.
    Ex: If one word is used out of context as an index heading, plainly it will be difficult to establish the interpretation to be placed on the homograph.
    Ex: This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.
    Ex: Next, the computer generates a series of entries with a complete subject statement at every entry point.
    Ex: By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.
    Ex: And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex: In one library, the director objected to the category heading 'Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender' = En una biblioteca, el director se opuso a que se utilizase la categoría "Gay, Lesbiana, Bisexual y Transexual".
    * área de encabezamiento = header area.
    * asignar un encabezamiento = assign + heading, establish + heading, label with + a heading.
    * colocar como primer elemento de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead.
    * construir un encabezamiento = construct + heading.
    * encabezamiento aceptado = uniform heading.
    * encabezamiento adjetival = adjectival heading, adjectival phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento admitido = approved heading, preferred heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético = alphabetical index heading.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materia = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento autorizado = established heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto = composite heading, compound heading.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * encabezamiento conceptual = concept heading.
    * encabezamiento de autor = author heading.
    * encabezamiento de autoridad = authority heading.
    * encabezamiento de forma = form heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase conjuntiva = conjunctive phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento de frase preposicional = prepositional phrase heading.
    * encabezamiento demasiado general = much-too-broad heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia controlado = controlled subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de microficha = microfiche header.
    * encabezamiento de nombre = name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre corporativo = corporate name heading.
    * encabezamiento de nombre personal = personal name heading.
    * encabezamiento de referencia = reference heading.
    * encabezamiento general = class entry.
    * encabezamiento informativo = explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento informativo general = general explanatory heading.
    * encabezamiento invertido = inverted heading.
    * encabezamiento no aceptado = unestablished heading.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * encabezamiento obsoleto = dead heading.
    * encabezamiento paralelo = parallel heading.
    * encabezamiento personal uniforme = uniform personal heading.
    * encabezamiento por título = title entry.
    * encabezamiento preciso = coextensive heading.
    * encabezamiento principal = lead term, main entry heading.
    * encabezamiento relacionado = related heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * encabezamientos de nombre y título = name-title headings.
    * encabezamiento secundario = added entry heading.
    * encabezamiento subdividido o con subdivisiones = subdivided heading.
    * encabezamiento temático = topical heading.
    * encabezamiento uniforme = uniform heading.
    * frase como encabezamiento = phrase heading.
    * incluir como registro de encabezamiento secundario = trace.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de mat = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * normalización de un encabezamiento = establishment of + a uniform heading.
    * orden de combinación de encabezamientos = citation order.
    * primera palabra del encabezamiento = entry word.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * registro de encabezamientos secundarios = tracing.
    * termino inicial de un encabezamiento compuesto = lead term, main heading.
    * traducción de encabezamientos a través de notaciones bibliográficas = information switching.
    * variante de un encabezamiento = variant heading.

    * * *
    1 (en una cartasaludo) opening, salutation ( frml); (— dirección, fecha) heading
    2 (en una ficha) heading
    3 (de un documento, apartado) heading
    * * *

    encabezamiento sustantivo masculino

    (— dirección, fecha) heading
    b) (en ficha, documento) heading

    encabezamiento sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una carta) heading
    (de un periódico) headline
    2 (de una manifestación) head
    ' encabezamiento' also found in these entries:
    - head
    - heading
    * * *
    1. [de carta] opening;
    [de escrito, lista, apartado] heading; [en periódico] headline
    2. [preámbulo] foreword
    * * *
    m heading
    * * *
    1) : heading
    2) : salutation, opening
    * * *
    encabezamiento n heading

    Spanish-English dictionary > encabezamiento

  • 12 CE

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Capillary Electrophoresis
    2) Компьютерная техника: Cgi Edition, Compact Edition, Compact Environment, Correctable Error, channel encoder
    3) Биология: cellulose exchanger
    4) Американизм: A Covered Entity
    5) Латинский язык: Caveat Emptor
    6) Военный термин: Campaign Evaluation, Canadian Engineers, Cartographic Entity, Central Europe, Chief of Engineers, Collateral Enclave, Collection Emphasis, Commander's Evaluation, Communications and Electronics, Comprehensive Evaluation, Concept Evaluation, Continuous Evaluation, Corps of Engineers, Criticism Entries, Current Exploitation, carrying equipment, chemical energy, chemical engineer, circular error, civil emergency, civil engineering, communications equipment, communications/electronics, compass error, composition exploding, construction equipment, control element, control equipment, controller error, cost effective, cost-effectiveness (критерий), counterespionage, crew error, crew evaluator, critical examination, cumulative expenditures, Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army), Civil Engineer (s)
    7) Техника: Combustion Engineering, Inc., Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Customer Experience, chronometer error, combustion engine, common emitter, common equipment, common-emitter transistor connection, conductivity element, containment environment, exploding composition
    8) Сельское хозяйство: European health & safety product label (Conformité Européenne)
    9) Математика: круговая ошибка (circular error), полный перебор (complete enumeration), радиальное отклонение (circular error)
    11) Экономика: Office of the Chief Economist
    12) Страхование: consumption entry
    13) Автомобильный термин: commutator end
    14) Грубое выражение: Crap Extended, Cum Egg
    15) Политика: Sri Lanka
    16) Телекоммуникации: сторона клиента
    17) Сокращение: Chief Engineer (British Army), Chief Engineer, Chief Executive, Church of England, Co-operative Engagement, Command Element, Common Era (substitute for AD), Concurrent Engineering, Control Engineer, ship, Corps of Engineers Command (US Army), Cost Estimate, Counsellor of Embassy, Customer Engineer, composition, exploding, continuing education
    20) Вычислительная техника: cost of error, Compact Edition (MS, Windows), Connection Endpoint (UNI), Common Era (substitute for AD), Customer Engineer (see also,) \<\< FE\>\>, затраты на ошибку, эксплуатационное обслуживание
    21) Генетика: (capillary electrophoresis) КЭ (капиллярный электрофорез)
    23) Фирменный знак: Con Ele Dyn
    24) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Степень каустизации (Caustizing Efficiency; Causticizing Efficiency)
    26) СМИ: Collectors Edition
    28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Cost Element
    30) Полимеры: carbon equivalent
    31) Ядерная физика: Coulomb Excitation
    32) Контроль качества: cost effectiveness
    34) Химическое оружие: U.S.- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Corps of Engineers, combustion efficiency
    35) Физическая химия: Collision Energy (в масс-спектроскопии)
    36) Макаров: color excess
    37) Безопасность: Communication Encryption
    39) Нефть и газ: coal equivalent
    40) Военно-политический термин: Council of Europe
    42) Высокочастотная электроника: Conformite Europeene
    44) Должность: Civil Engineer
    46) Федеральное бюро расследований: Charlotte Field Office
    47) Единицы измерений: Christian Era, Common Era
    48) Международная торговля: Contrast Enhancement

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > CE

  • 13 Ce

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Capillary Electrophoresis
    2) Компьютерная техника: Cgi Edition, Compact Edition, Compact Environment, Correctable Error, channel encoder
    3) Биология: cellulose exchanger
    4) Американизм: A Covered Entity
    5) Латинский язык: Caveat Emptor
    6) Военный термин: Campaign Evaluation, Canadian Engineers, Cartographic Entity, Central Europe, Chief of Engineers, Collateral Enclave, Collection Emphasis, Commander's Evaluation, Communications and Electronics, Comprehensive Evaluation, Concept Evaluation, Continuous Evaluation, Corps of Engineers, Criticism Entries, Current Exploitation, carrying equipment, chemical energy, chemical engineer, circular error, civil emergency, civil engineering, communications equipment, communications/electronics, compass error, composition exploding, construction equipment, control element, control equipment, controller error, cost effective, cost-effectiveness (критерий), counterespionage, crew error, crew evaluator, critical examination, cumulative expenditures, Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army), Civil Engineer (s)
    7) Техника: Combustion Engineering, Inc., Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Customer Experience, chronometer error, combustion engine, common emitter, common equipment, common-emitter transistor connection, conductivity element, containment environment, exploding composition
    8) Сельское хозяйство: European health & safety product label (Conformité Européenne)
    9) Математика: круговая ошибка (circular error), полный перебор (complete enumeration), радиальное отклонение (circular error)
    11) Экономика: Office of the Chief Economist
    12) Страхование: consumption entry
    13) Автомобильный термин: commutator end
    14) Грубое выражение: Crap Extended, Cum Egg
    15) Политика: Sri Lanka
    16) Телекоммуникации: сторона клиента
    17) Сокращение: Chief Engineer (British Army), Chief Engineer, Chief Executive, Church of England, Co-operative Engagement, Command Element, Common Era (substitute for AD), Concurrent Engineering, Control Engineer, ship, Corps of Engineers Command (US Army), Cost Estimate, Counsellor of Embassy, Customer Engineer, composition, exploding, continuing education
    20) Вычислительная техника: cost of error, Compact Edition (MS, Windows), Connection Endpoint (UNI), Common Era (substitute for AD), Customer Engineer (see also,) \<\< FE\>\>, затраты на ошибку, эксплуатационное обслуживание
    21) Генетика: (capillary electrophoresis) КЭ (капиллярный электрофорез)
    23) Фирменный знак: Con Ele Dyn
    24) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Степень каустизации (Caustizing Efficiency; Causticizing Efficiency)
    26) СМИ: Collectors Edition
    28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Cost Element
    30) Полимеры: carbon equivalent
    31) Ядерная физика: Coulomb Excitation
    32) Контроль качества: cost effectiveness
    34) Химическое оружие: U.S.- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Corps of Engineers, combustion efficiency
    35) Физическая химия: Collision Energy (в масс-спектроскопии)
    36) Макаров: color excess
    37) Безопасность: Communication Encryption
    39) Нефть и газ: coal equivalent
    40) Военно-политический термин: Council of Europe
    42) Высокочастотная электроника: Conformite Europeene
    44) Должность: Civil Engineer
    46) Федеральное бюро расследований: Charlotte Field Office
    47) Единицы измерений: Christian Era, Common Era
    48) Международная торговля: Contrast Enhancement

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Ce

  • 14 ce

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Capillary Electrophoresis
    2) Компьютерная техника: Cgi Edition, Compact Edition, Compact Environment, Correctable Error, channel encoder
    3) Биология: cellulose exchanger
    4) Американизм: A Covered Entity
    5) Латинский язык: Caveat Emptor
    6) Военный термин: Campaign Evaluation, Canadian Engineers, Cartographic Entity, Central Europe, Chief of Engineers, Collateral Enclave, Collection Emphasis, Commander's Evaluation, Communications and Electronics, Comprehensive Evaluation, Concept Evaluation, Continuous Evaluation, Corps of Engineers, Criticism Entries, Current Exploitation, carrying equipment, chemical energy, chemical engineer, circular error, civil emergency, civil engineering, communications equipment, communications/electronics, compass error, composition exploding, construction equipment, control element, control equipment, controller error, cost effective, cost-effectiveness (критерий), counterespionage, crew error, crew evaluator, critical examination, cumulative expenditures, Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army), Civil Engineer (s)
    7) Техника: Combustion Engineering, Inc., Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Customer Experience, chronometer error, combustion engine, common emitter, common equipment, common-emitter transistor connection, conductivity element, containment environment, exploding composition
    8) Сельское хозяйство: European health & safety product label (Conformité Européenne)
    9) Математика: круговая ошибка (circular error), полный перебор (complete enumeration), радиальное отклонение (circular error)
    11) Экономика: Office of the Chief Economist
    12) Страхование: consumption entry
    13) Автомобильный термин: commutator end
    14) Грубое выражение: Crap Extended, Cum Egg
    15) Политика: Sri Lanka
    16) Телекоммуникации: сторона клиента
    17) Сокращение: Chief Engineer (British Army), Chief Engineer, Chief Executive, Church of England, Co-operative Engagement, Command Element, Common Era (substitute for AD), Concurrent Engineering, Control Engineer, ship, Corps of Engineers Command (US Army), Cost Estimate, Counsellor of Embassy, Customer Engineer, composition, exploding, continuing education
    20) Вычислительная техника: cost of error, Compact Edition (MS, Windows), Connection Endpoint (UNI), Common Era (substitute for AD), Customer Engineer (see also,) \<\< FE\>\>, затраты на ошибку, эксплуатационное обслуживание
    21) Генетика: (capillary electrophoresis) КЭ (капиллярный электрофорез)
    23) Фирменный знак: Con Ele Dyn
    24) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Степень каустизации (Caustizing Efficiency; Causticizing Efficiency)
    26) СМИ: Collectors Edition
    28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Cost Element
    30) Полимеры: carbon equivalent
    31) Ядерная физика: Coulomb Excitation
    32) Контроль качества: cost effectiveness
    34) Химическое оружие: U.S.- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Corps of Engineers, combustion efficiency
    35) Физическая химия: Collision Energy (в масс-спектроскопии)
    36) Макаров: color excess
    37) Безопасность: Communication Encryption
    39) Нефть и газ: coal equivalent
    40) Военно-политический термин: Council of Europe
    42) Высокочастотная электроника: Conformite Europeene
    44) Должность: Civil Engineer
    46) Федеральное бюро расследований: Charlotte Field Office
    47) Единицы измерений: Christian Era, Common Era
    48) Международная торговля: Contrast Enhancement

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ce

  • 15 time

    1) время; срок; момент; период || выбирать время; приурочивать; рассчитывать (по времени)
    2) рабочее время; такт; период
    3) наработка

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > time

  • 16 decidir

    1 to decide, to choose.
    el juez decidirá si es inocente o no the judge will decide o determine whether or not he is innocent
    decidir hacer algo to decide to do something
    ¿a qué restaurante vamos? — tú decides which restaurant shall we go to? — you decide
    decidir entre dos cosas to choose between two things
    Ella decidió la forma de proceder She decided the way to proceed.
    Ella decide y no escucha She makes a decision and doesn't listen.
    2 to decide.
    el voto de la clase media decidió la elección the middle-class vote decided o swung the election
    3 to decide to, to resolve to.
    Ella decidió hacer una balsa She decided to make a raft.
    4 to determine, to ascertain, to pinpoint.
    * * *
    1 (gen) to decide; (asunto) to settle
    2 (convencer) to persuade, convince
    3 (resolver) to resolve, decide
    1 to decide, choose
    1 to make up one's mind
    decidirse por to decide on
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=tomar una decisión) to decide

    ¿habéis decidido lo que vais a hacer? — have you decided what you are going to do?

    después de pensarlo mucho he decidido que sí — after giving it a lot of thought, I've decided to go ahead

    decidir hacer algo — to decide to do sth

    2) (=determinar) [+ futuro, resultado] to decide; [+ asunto, disputa] to settle, resolve
    3) (=convencer)

    ¿qué fue lo que al final te decidió? — what finally made up your mind?, what finally decided you?, what finally made you decide?


    tuvo que decidir entre varias opcionesshe had to choose o decide from a number of options

    decidir sobre algo — to decide on sth, make a decision on sth

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( tomar una determinación) to decide

    decidir + inf — to decide to + inf

    b) < persona> to make... decide
    2) < asunto> to settle; < resultado> to decide
    decidir vi to decide

    no sé, decide tú — I don't know, you decide

    tiene que decidir entre dos opciones igualmente interesantesshe has to choose o decide between two equally attractive options

    decidirse v pron to decide, to make up one's mind

    decidirse a + inf — to decide to + inf

    * * *
    = decide, decision to the contrary, make + choices, opt (for), settle, sort out, take + viewpoint, adjudicate, resolve, take + view, take + Posesivo + pick, call + the shots, be the boss, rule + the roost.
    Ex. At the two extremes, the order may simply be decided for each topic as and when it arises, and followed thereafter.
    Ex. Unless a conscious decision has been made to the contrary, the abstractor should not introduce any new biases or emphases.
    Ex. Frequently it is necessary for the librarian or information worker to make choices concerning record size and field size.
    Ex. However, in 1983, Forest Press decided to opt for the concept of continuous revision.
    Ex. Once the name to be used in a heading and its form have been settled, it is time to decide upon the entry element, or in more general terms, to examine the preferred order of the components of a name as the name is to appear as a heading.
    Ex. It is true that assignments were being heaped upon him with immense rapidity, but he would be able to sort them out and contrive solutions.
    Ex. Whatever viewpoint is taken, it is difficult to dispute the significance of AACR1.
    Ex. I know a large library catalog in this country where the person in charge of filing has to adjudicate on the average four times a day on where a particular card should go.
    Ex. Bogardus privately resolved that nothing would induce her to assent to this monstrous possibility.
    Ex. There are those, sometimes found in the corridors of power, who would take such a view.
    Ex. We can offer them both and let our users take their pick.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
    Ex. One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
    Ex. Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
    * decidir Algo sobre la marcha = play + Nombre + by ear.
    * decidir hacer = spring for.
    * decidir + Infinitivo = choose to + Infinitivo, elect to + Infinitivo.
    * decidir no + Infinitivo = decide against + Gerundio, decide against + Nombre.
    * decidir no ser incluido en = opt out of.
    * decidir por cuenta propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * decidir qué hacer con = make + disposition of.
    * decidirse = make up + Posesivo + (own) mind, make + Posesivo + mind up.
    * decidirse por = marry, settle on/upon, go for, come down in + favour of, plump for.
    * decidirse por uno mismo = make up + Posesivo + (own) mind.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to.
    * por decidir = to be decided.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( tomar una determinación) to decide

    decidir + inf — to decide to + inf

    b) < persona> to make... decide
    2) < asunto> to settle; < resultado> to decide
    decidir vi to decide

    no sé, decide tú — I don't know, you decide

    tiene que decidir entre dos opciones igualmente interesantesshe has to choose o decide between two equally attractive options

    decidirse v pron to decide, to make up one's mind

    decidirse a + inf — to decide to + inf

    * * *
    = decide, decision to the contrary, make + choices, opt (for), settle, sort out, take + viewpoint, adjudicate, resolve, take + view, take + Posesivo + pick, call + the shots, be the boss, rule + the roost.

    Ex: At the two extremes, the order may simply be decided for each topic as and when it arises, and followed thereafter.

    Ex: Unless a conscious decision has been made to the contrary, the abstractor should not introduce any new biases or emphases.
    Ex: Frequently it is necessary for the librarian or information worker to make choices concerning record size and field size.
    Ex: However, in 1983, Forest Press decided to opt for the concept of continuous revision.
    Ex: Once the name to be used in a heading and its form have been settled, it is time to decide upon the entry element, or in more general terms, to examine the preferred order of the components of a name as the name is to appear as a heading.
    Ex: It is true that assignments were being heaped upon him with immense rapidity, but he would be able to sort them out and contrive solutions.
    Ex: Whatever viewpoint is taken, it is difficult to dispute the significance of AACR1.
    Ex: I know a large library catalog in this country where the person in charge of filing has to adjudicate on the average four times a day on where a particular card should go.
    Ex: Bogardus privately resolved that nothing would induce her to assent to this monstrous possibility.
    Ex: There are those, sometimes found in the corridors of power, who would take such a view.
    Ex: We can offer them both and let our users take their pick.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
    Ex: One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
    Ex: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
    * decidir Algo sobre la marcha = play + Nombre + by ear.
    * decidir hacer = spring for.
    * decidir + Infinitivo = choose to + Infinitivo, elect to + Infinitivo.
    * decidir no + Infinitivo = decide against + Gerundio, decide against + Nombre.
    * decidir no ser incluido en = opt out of.
    * decidir por cuenta propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.
    * decidir qué hacer con = make + disposition of.
    * decidirse = make up + Posesivo + (own) mind, make + Posesivo + mind up.
    * decidirse por = marry, settle on/upon, go for, come down in + favour of, plump for.
    * decidirse por uno mismo = make up + Posesivo + (own) mind.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to.
    * por decidir = to be decided.

    * * *
    decidir [I1 ]
    todavía no han decidido nada they still haven't reached a decision o haven't decided anything
    iba a aceptar pero después decidí que no I was going to accept but then I decided against it o decided not to
    hemos decidido que no nos vamos a mudar we've decided that we're not going to move, we've decided not to move
    decidir + INF to decide to + INF
    decidieron prorrogarle el contrato they decided to extend his contract
    2 ‹persona›
    eso fue lo que me decidió that was what made up my mind for me, that was what decided me
    aquel incidente me decidió a actuar that incident made me decide to act
    3 ‹asunto› to settle; ‹resultado› to decide
    este contrato va a decidir el futuro de la empresa this contract is going to decide the future of the company
    el gol que decidió el partido the goal that decided the game
    ■ decidir
    to decide
    no sé, decide tú I don't know, you decide
    otra persona había decidido por él someone else had made the decision for him
    tiene que decidir entre dos opciones igualmente interesantes she has to choose o decide between two equally attractive options
    decidir SOBRE algo to make o take a decision ON sth, decide ON sth
    no es la persona más adecuada para decidir sobre este asunto she's not the best person to decide on o to make o to take a decision on this matter
    yo no tengo autoridad para decidir sobre su suerte I do not have the authority to decide (on) his fate
    to make up one's mind
    aún no me he decidido del todo I still haven't quite made up my mind o decided
    decídete, me tengo que ir make up your mind, I have to go
    ¿va a llover? — no sé, no se decide is it going to rain? — I don't know, it can't seem to make up its mind
    decidirse A + INF to decide to + INF decidirse POR algo to decide ON sth
    se decidió por el verde she decided on the green one
    * * *


    decidir ( conjugate decidir) verbo transitivo

    b) personato make … decide;

    2 asunto to settle;
    resultado to decide
    verbo intransitivo
    to decide;
    tiene que decidir entre los dos she has to choose o decide between the two;

    decidir sobre algo to decide on sth
    decidirse verbo pronominal
    to decide, to make up one's mind;
    decidirse a hacer algo to decide to do sth;
    decidirse por algo to decide on sth
    decidir verbo transitivo & verbo intransitivo to decide: tú decides, it's up to you
    el penalty en el último minuto decidió el partido, the last-minute penalty decided the game

    ' decidir' also found in these entries:
    - indecisa
    - indeciso
    - mover
    - solucionar
    - vacilante
    - pensar
    - resolver
    - votación
    - conclude
    - decide
    - fix
    - heart
    - open
    - opt out
    - seal
    - settle
    - up to
    - adjudicate
    - agree
    - determine
    - for
    - opt
    - priority
    - resolve
    - spot
    - up
    * * *
    1. [tomar una decisión sobre] to decide;
    el juez decidirá si es inocente o no the judge will decide o determine whether or not he is innocent;
    no hay nada decidido por el momento nothing has been decided for the moment;
    todo está aún por decidir everything's still up in the air, nothing's been decided yet;
    decidir hacer algo to decide to do sth;
    he decidido cambiar de apartamento I've decided to move Br flat o US apartment;
    decidió que no valía la pena arriesgarse she decided (that) it wasn't worth the risk;
    han decidido que no van a tener más hijos they've decided not to have any more children
    2. [determinar] to decide;
    el voto de la clase media decidió la elección the middle-class vote decided o swung the election;
    el gol de Márquez decidió el partido Márquez's goal decided o settled the game
    3. [persuadir] to persuade, to convince;
    lo decidí a quedarse I convinced him to stay;
    su madre le decidió a dejar de fumar his mother persuaded him to stop smoking;
    ¿qué te decidió a seguir con el negocio? what made you decide to carry on with the business?
    to decide, to choose;
    ¿a qué restaurante vamos? – tú decides which restaurant shall we go to? – you decide;
    decidir entre dos cosas to choose between two things;
    ellos decidieron por mí they decided for me, they took the decision for me;
    tenemos que decidir sobre la decoración del dormitorio we have to decide how we're going to decorate the bedroom, we have to take a decision on the décor for the bedroom
    * * *
    I v/t decide
    II v/i decide, make up one’s mind
    * * *
    1) : to decide, to determine
    no he decidido nada: I haven't made a decision
    2) : to persuade, to decide
    su padre lo decidió a estudiar: his father persuaded him to study
    : to decide
    * * *
    decidir vb to decide

    Spanish-English dictionary > decidir

  • 17 inculcar

    to inculcate, to implant, to infuse, to instil.
    Ellos implantan su filosofía They infuse their philosophy.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SACAR], like link=sacar sacar
    1 to inculcate, instil
    * * *
    VT to instil, instill (EEUU), inculcate (en in, into)
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to instill*, inculcate (frml)
    * * *
    = inculcate, instil [instill, -USA], impress, rub into, implant, infuse.
    Ex. The application of these skills to all subjects expressable in documents obviously requires a breadth of knowledge lying far beyond the capabilities of a course such as this to inculcate.
    Ex. With many concept headings consistency must be instilled into the terms used to describe the individual concepts.
    Ex. This early opportunity should also be taken to impress upon the new entrant the right attitudes to work and to the public.
    Ex. Communication is making unique experience common; that definition should be at the head of every library textbook and should be rubbed into every member of staff as he goes on duty.
    Ex. Such a reaction demonstrates that the reference habit has been successfully implanted.
    Ex. To infuse into that basic form an element of linguistic liveliness and wit, which marks out the best adult reviewers, is to ask far more than most children can hope to achieve.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * inculcar en = drill into.
    * inculcar respeto = instil + respect.
    * inculcar responsabilidad = instil + responsibility.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to instill*, inculcate (frml)
    * * *
    = inculcate, instil [instill, -USA], impress, rub into, implant, infuse.

    Ex: The application of these skills to all subjects expressable in documents obviously requires a breadth of knowledge lying far beyond the capabilities of a course such as this to inculcate.

    Ex: With many concept headings consistency must be instilled into the terms used to describe the individual concepts.
    Ex: This early opportunity should also be taken to impress upon the new entrant the right attitudes to work and to the public.
    Ex: Communication is making unique experience common; that definition should be at the head of every library textbook and should be rubbed into every member of staff as he goes on duty.
    Ex: Such a reaction demonstrates that the reference habit has been successfully implanted.
    Ex: To infuse into that basic form an element of linguistic liveliness and wit, which marks out the best adult reviewers, is to ask far more than most children can hope to achieve.
    * inculcar conocimiento = instil + knowledge.
    * inculcar en = drill into.
    * inculcar respeto = instil + respect.
    * inculcar responsabilidad = instil + responsibility.

    * * *
    inculcar [A2 ]
    to instill*, inculcate ( frml)
    hay que inculcarles la honestidad desde pequeños honesty has to be instilled in them from an early age
    la fe no se puede inculcar faith cannot be taught
    las ideas que les inculcan en ese colegio the ideas they fill their heads with at that school
    * * *

    inculcar ( conjugate inculcar) verbo transitivo
    to instill( conjugate instill), inculcate (frml);

    inculcar vtr (sentimientos, valores) to instil [en, into], US to instill

    ' inculcar' also found in these entries:
    - instil
    - instill
    - implant
    - inculcate
    * * *
    inculcar algo a alguien to instil sth into sb;
    desde pequeños les inculcan el respeto al medio ambiente respect for the environment is instilled into them from an early age
    * * *
    v/t instill, Br
    instil (en in)
    * * *
    inculcar {72} vt
    : to inculcate, to instill

    Spanish-English dictionary > inculcar

  • 18 infundir

    to instill, to imbue, to inspire, to breathe.
    * * *
    (pp infundido,-a o infuso,-a)
    1 (respeto) to command; (miedo) to fill with; (valor) to instil; (deseo) to infuse with
    * * *
    to infuse, instill
    * * *
    VT to instil, instill (EEUU) (a, en into)

    infundir confianza/respeto — to inspire confidence/respect

    infundir miedo a algn — to fill sb with fear, scare sb

    * * *
    verbo transitivo <confianza/respeto> to inspire; < sospechas> to arouse
    * * *
    = instil [instill, -USA], infuse.
    Ex. With many concept headings consistency must be instilled into the terms used to describe the individual concepts.
    Ex. To infuse into that basic form an element of linguistic liveliness and wit, which marks out the best adult reviewers, is to ask far more than most children can hope to achieve.
    * infundir emoción = infuse + emotion.
    * infundir energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * infundir miedo = instil + fear.
    * infundir nueva vida a = breathe + (new) life into.
    * infundir vigor = energise [energize, -USA].
    * * *
    verbo transitivo <confianza/respeto> to inspire; < sospechas> to arouse
    * * *
    = instil [instill, -USA], infuse.

    Ex: With many concept headings consistency must be instilled into the terms used to describe the individual concepts.

    Ex: To infuse into that basic form an element of linguistic liveliness and wit, which marks out the best adult reviewers, is to ask far more than most children can hope to achieve.
    * infundir emoción = infuse + emotion.
    * infundir energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * infundir miedo = instil + fear.
    * infundir nueva vida a = breathe + (new) life into.
    * infundir vigor = energise [energize, -USA].

    * * *
    infundir [I1 ]
    ‹confianza/respeto› to inspire; ‹sospechas› to arouse
    una figura que les infundía miedo a figure who filled them with fear
    buscaban infundir el terror entre los ciudadanos they sought to instill terror in o to terrorize the population
    aplaudían para infundirles ánimo they clapped to give them encouragement
    * * *

    infundir ( conjugate infundir) verbo transitivoconfianza/respeto to inspire;
    sospechas to arouse;

    para infundirles ánimo to give them encouragement
    infundir verbo transitivo (suscitar, inspirar) to instil, US to instill
    infundir valor, to instil courage

    ' infundir' also found in these entries:
    - inspire
    - instil
    - instill
    - strike
    * * *
    infundir algo a alguien to fill sb with sth, to inspire sth in sb;
    infundir miedo/respeto to inspire fear/respect
    * * *
    v/t inspire; terror instill, Br
    instil; sospechas arouse
    * * *
    1) : to instill
    infundir ánimo a : to encourage
    infundir miedo a : to intimidate

    Spanish-English dictionary > infundir

  • 19 контакт

    1. Kontaktglied (2)
    2. Kontakt (eines mechanischen Schaltgerätes)
    3. Kontakt (1)


    контакт (1)
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    контакт (контактного коммутационного аппарата)
    Токопроводящие части, предназначенные для установления непрерывности цепи при их соприкосновении и в результате их движения относительно друг друга в процессе оперирования размыкающие или замыкающие цепь либо, если это шарнирные или скользящие контакты, поддерживающие непрерывность цепи.
    МЭК 60050(441-15-05).
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]

    Токоведущая часть аппарата, которая во время операции размыкает и замыкает цепь, или в случае скользящих или шарнирных контактов сохраняет непрерывность цепи
    [РД 34.45-51.300-97]


    contact (1)
    set of conductive elements for establishing electric circuit continuity when they touch each other and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close an electric circuit or, in the case of some hinged or sliding elements, maintain circuit continuity
    NOTE – See also the concept "electric contact" in 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (of a mechanical switching device)
    conductive parts designed to establish circuit continuity when they touch and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close a circuit or, in the case of hinged or sliding contacts, maintain circuit continuity
    [IEV number 441-15-05]


    contact (1), m
    ensemble d'éléments conducteurs destinés à établir la continuité d'un circuit électrique lorsqu'ils se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manœuvre, ouvrent ou ferment un circuit électrique ou, dans le cas de certains éléments pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    NOTE – Voir aussi le concept "contact électrique" en 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (d'un appareil de connexion)
    pièces conductrices destinées à établir la continuité d'un circuit lorsqu'elles se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manoeuvre, ouvrent et ferment un circuit ou, dans le cas de contacts pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    [IEV number 441-15-05]



    контакт (2)
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2)
    conductive element intended to make an electric contact
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2), m
    élément conducteur destiné à établir un contact électrique
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    • контакт
    • электротехника, основные понятия





    Русско-немецкий словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > контакт

  • 20 contact (d'un appareil de connexion)

    1. контакт


    контакт (1)
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    контакт (контактного коммутационного аппарата)
    Токопроводящие части, предназначенные для установления непрерывности цепи при их соприкосновении и в результате их движения относительно друг друга в процессе оперирования размыкающие или замыкающие цепь либо, если это шарнирные или скользящие контакты, поддерживающие непрерывность цепи.
    МЭК 60050(441-15-05).
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]

    Токоведущая часть аппарата, которая во время операции размыкает и замыкает цепь, или в случае скользящих или шарнирных контактов сохраняет непрерывность цепи
    [РД 34.45-51.300-97]


    contact (1)
    set of conductive elements for establishing electric circuit continuity when they touch each other and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close an electric circuit or, in the case of some hinged or sliding elements, maintain circuit continuity
    NOTE – See also the concept "electric contact" in 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (of a mechanical switching device)
    conductive parts designed to establish circuit continuity when they touch and which, due to their relative motion during an operation, open or close a circuit or, in the case of hinged or sliding contacts, maintain circuit continuity
    [IEV number 441-15-05]


    contact (1), m
    ensemble d'éléments conducteurs destinés à établir la continuité d'un circuit électrique lorsqu'ils se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manœuvre, ouvrent ou ferment un circuit électrique ou, dans le cas de certains éléments pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    NOTE – Voir aussi le concept "contact électrique" en 151-12-03.
    [IEV number 151-12-15 ]

    contact (d'un appareil de connexion)
    pièces conductrices destinées à établir la continuité d'un circuit lorsqu'elles se touchent et qui, par leur mouvement relatif pendant la manoeuvre, ouvrent et ferment un circuit ou, dans le cas de contacts pivotants ou glissants, maintiennent la continuité du circuit
    [IEV number 441-15-05]



    контакт (2)
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2)
    conductive element intended to make an electric contact
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    contact (2), m
    élément conducteur destiné à établir un contact électrique
    [IEV number 151-12-16]


    • контакт
    • электротехника, основные понятия





    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > contact (d'un appareil de connexion)

См. также в других словарях:

  • CONCEPT — Les théories de la connaissance s’accordent généralement à reconnaître qu’il y a essentiellement, dans l’être humain, deux modes de connaissances de la réalité, l’un qui porte directement sur le concret, saisi dans sa singularité, l’autre qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Concept Et Construction De Disneyland — Article principal : Disneyland. Le parc Disneyland en Californie est le premier des parcs Disney, de plus le seul Royaume Enchanté conçu et vu par Walt Disney. Il a été inauguré le 17 juillet 1955. Il fut construit en un peu plus d un an par …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Concept et construction de disneyland — Article principal : Disneyland. Le parc Disneyland en Californie est le premier des parcs Disney, de plus le seul Royaume Enchanté conçu et vu par Walt Disney. Il a été inauguré le 17 juillet 1955. Il fut construit en un peu plus d un an par …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Element chimique — Élément chimique Pour les articles homonymes, voir Élément. On définit par élément chimique, ou simplement élément, une catégorie d atomes ayant en commun le même nombre de protons dans leur noyau atomique, ce nombre, noté Z, définissant le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Concept Processing — is a technology that uses an artificial intelligence engine to provide flexible user interfaces. This technology is used in some Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software applications, as an alternative to the more rigid template based technology …   Wikipedia

  • Concept of death and adjustment — addresses people s adjustment to the inevitable phenomenon of death depending on the different perceptions of the phenomenon they have, whether or not there is a particular reason to think that death is imminent. [ Hossain, M.S. (2008). HUMAN… …   Wikipedia

  • Concept-Art — bezeichnet eine Form der Illustration, die ein Konzept visuell veranschaulichen soll, bevor es in ein Endprodukt umgesetzt wird. Zum Einsatz kommen diese visuellen Umsetzungen von Ideen, Designvorstellungen oder Stimmungen in der Produktion von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Concept Art — bezeichnet eine Form der Illustration, die ein Konzept visuell veranschaulichen soll, bevor es in ein Endprodukt umgesetzt wird. Zum Einsatz kommen diese visuellen Umsetzungen von Ideen, Designvorstellungen oder Stimmungen in der Produktion von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Concept Design — Concept Art bezeichnet eine Form der Illustration, die ein Konzept visuell veranschaulichen soll, bevor es in ein Endprodukt umgesetzt wird. Zum Einsatz kommen diese visuellen Umsetzungen von Ideen, Designvorstellungen oder Stimmungen in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Element (mathematiques) — Élément (mathématiques) Pour les articles homonymes, voir élément. En mathématiques, un ensemble est constitué d objets appelés éléments de cet ensemble, on dit également qu un tel objet appartient à l ensemble en question[Note 1]. On note x ∈ M… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • element — el·e·ment n: one of the constituent parts (as a particular act, a mental state, or an attendant circumstance) of a crime as defined by statute that the prosecution must prove to win a conviction Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… …   Law dictionary

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